Advanced age, asthma, diabetes, emphysema, menopause, chronic steroid use and rheumatoid arthritis are all risk factors for osteoporosis. The resultant weakening of bones can lead to compression fractures of the spine causing severe pain, deformity, loss of height, immobilization, and in some cases, failure to thrive.

Historically, vertebral compression fractures have been treated either with conservative methods of cast or brace immobilization with long term bed resting or with major surgery. This surgery requires a long incision, screws and rods for fixation and is done under general Anesthesia. These treatments are limited by long recovery times and disruption of daily life.

Now, these painful spine fractures can be treated with a Minimally Invasive, Non Surgical procedure known as VERTEBROPLASTY, an innovative alternative to traditional treatments which stabilizes fractures of the spine safely and effectively, often providing immediate pain relief.

Compared to Surgical Fixation, Vertebroplasty has several advantages:
  • Do not require general anesthesia.
  • No need to open spine.
  • No need to put rods and screws.
  • No need of prolonged hospitalization.
  • All these reduces the risk of complications.
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty !!!

In addition, percutaneous vertebroplasty can be performed in vertebrae that are not suitable for surgical fixation, for instance because of osteoporosis or because general anesthesia may not be advised in patients who are very sick.

“After performing good number of vertebroplasties, I can confirm that this is one of the most significant procedures for the treatment for vertebral compression fractures,”

The beauty of this procedure is its simplicity. “A small needle is advanced into the fracture using only local anesthetic followed by the placement of bone cement into the fractured area.The cement hardens in about 10-15 minutes and remarkably the pain is gone.”

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